
Stuck Pixels in Projector

How to fix stuck pixels

Stuck pixels are always problematic to see on the screen. So, how to fix them? Below you can check out the guide, which tells you the simple way of fixing stuck pixels. Some people call them dead or hot pixels as well. These defective pixels come in the form of bright or dark spots on …

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dead pixel

What does a dead pixel look like

Dealing with dead pixels seems surely a challenging job. Many people out there still confuse dead pixels with stuck pixels. For your information, a dead pixel appears in black color. On the other hand, stuck pixels come in red, green, or blue colors or even in yellow shades. If these black-colored spots surround your screen, …

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Dead pixel on screen

How to fix dead pixel

Fixing a dead pixel has become an easy task now. Potential solutions have been launched, and you can try out any one of them. Let us jump directly into the discussion regarding how to fix dead pixels! Giving you a basic idea, you can wipe the screen by using a screen-friendly cloth, replace the whole …

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