How to fix dead pixel

Dead pixel on screen

Fixing a dead pixel has become an easy task now. Potential solutions have been launched, and you can try out any one of them. Let us jump directly into the discussion regarding how to fix dead pixels!

Giving you a basic idea, you can wipe the screen by using a screen-friendly cloth, replace the whole screen, use the JScreen Fix web app or wait for the dead pixel to go on its own. Below we have explained the details of these solutions; you can check out the details:

What is a dead pixel?

A dead pixel is a black-colored spot that appears on the screen. It is an unusual spot which makes the screen super annoying. Tools like the dead pixels test help you quickly spot these unusual spots on your screen. Many people have found these pixels problematic. Instead of surrounding your screen with small black-colored rectangle spots, it is better to remove them.

Why do Dead Pixels occur?

Before jumping onto the solutions, you must know the causes of dead pixels:

Cause # 1

The transistor which turns on the screen cannot supply the required amount of power and this leads to the occurrence of dead pixels. In other words, failure to supply power causes the screen to get jam-packed with these unusual spots.

Cause # 2

A manufacturing defect in the device causes dead pixels as well. The device sometimes fails to go through the proper assembly process, leading to a dysfunctional screen and causing these annoying spots.

Cause # 3

Physical damage is another primary reason which causes dead pixels. Suppose you have thrown your phone at a certain height, and its screen has become severely damaged; there is a chance that a dead pixel problem will occur.

Solutions to fix dead pixels

Whether your PC monitor, tablet or smartphone screen has become jam-packed with dead pixels, you can deal with this situation smartly. Please follow the below-written solutions and pay your thanks later on:

Solution # 1

The first solution is to wait for the dead pixel to disappear and vanish on its own. You never know; you get lucky in this case, and these annoying spots remove on their own. If the severity issue is less, then the spots will fade.

Solution # 2

You can try the JScreenFix web app. It is an effective tool that makes it extremely easy for you to remove dead pixels. The process takes hardly less than 10 minutes, and you will see that the device’s screen becomes dead pixel-free.

Just download the application, and you are good to go. Whether the OLED screen has become damaged or the LCD display has these annoying spots, you can use this web app surely.

Solution # 3

If you notice that loads of dead pixels surround the screen, the only solution you can embrace is replacing the screen. Yes, it would help if you buy a new display for your device; nothing else can be done.

Many manufacturers offer warranties regarding removing dead pixels. You can utilize those warranties as well. Go through the warranty details and see how far the manufacturer can serve you.

If the number of dead pixels comes under the warranty limit, the manufacturer will solve your issue free of cost. And if the number of dead pixels is more, you must pay for the service.

Solution #4

Pressure and heat methods have been devised. This hack has worked for some people, but for some individuals, it did not. You can try your luck and see whether these methods helped remove dead pixels. 

It is assumed that applying pressure on the dead pixel for some time might push it to vanish on its own. Or if you have applied the heat pad on the screen, the unusual spots shall disappear.

The only thing to always remember is never to rub the dead pixel. Too much rubbing and extreme wiping will worsen the black spot condition, and it might become a permanent problem for your device. So, avoid too much rubbing and wiping, and apply the pressure/heat slowly and gently.

Solution # 5

You get in touch with an expert, and he can give you a better solution regarding how to fix the dead pixels. He will either repair the screen or ask you to get a new display. So, look for reputable local repair shops; you never know if they will solve your problem without breaking your bank account.

It is suggested to visit the official flagship store first of all; they have better services to offer you. If you find their charges a little more, you can visit the local mobile phone repair shop as they charge less.

Solution # 6

Screen-friendly cloths are available in the shops and the best part is that they might help you in removing dead pixels. Just grab the cloth, which is soft and screen-friendly, and wipe it on the black-colored spot. If this hack works, the spot will disappear from the screen after a few minutes.


No wonder dead pixels are a common issue. Their presence is frequently spotted on phones, tablets, iPads, and monitor screens. Dealing with this fairly normal problem is no longer challenging.

You can follow the expert-suggested solutions and let us know your feedback about them. The minute you notice a few dead pixels on the screen, it’s time to fix them without delay. Instead of making these unusual spots permanently active, you must vanish them from the display.

Remember that only one to five dead pixels are acceptable, and not more than that. If the number becomes more, then serious actions must be taken. Stay tuned and connected with us on this webpage.

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