What does a dead pixel look like

dead pixel

Dealing with dead pixels seems surely a challenging job. Many people out there still confuse dead pixels with stuck pixels. For your information, a dead pixel appears in black color. On the other hand, stuck pixels come in red, green, or blue colors or even in yellow shades.

If these black-colored spots surround your screen, then do not worry. We have a quick solution that will make you get rid of them. These unusual and awkward-looking spots make the screen so unimpressive looking.

Though dead pixels are harmless, you must still find a way to deal with them. There are special pixel tests that help you detect and remove these black-colored spots from your screen. Below we have penned more details on the dead pixels; you can have a look at them:

What do dead pixels look like?

A dead pixel is black in color. The screen usually gets surrounded with black-colored spots. One must not intermingle the terms dead and stuck pixels; both are different. The former is black in color, and the latter appears in red, green, or blue colors.

Dealing with dead pixels is comparatively more challenging than removing stuck pixels from the monitor screen. Though projector light is generally less harsh than direct light from screens, it’s important to consider factors like brightness, contrast, and viewing distance to ensure it’s comfortable for the eyes. Overall, if your screen gets accidentally attacked by these pixels, remember, that they are harmless. With the help of special pixel tests, you can detect and spot them in less time.

How to Spot Dead Pixels?

Whenever you notice that your monitor screen is getting black-colored spots on it, it means they have dead pixels. These unusual spots stay in place and do not move anywhere. No doubt, their presence becomes so much annoying and problematic that you immediately want to get rid of them. We can give you a few of the hints which will make it a lot easier for you to spot these dead pixels:

  1. The screen gets surrounded by black spots.
  2. These unusual spots do not move anywhere and remain stuck in their fixed place.
  3. Even if you rub these black spots, they will not move.
  4. Dead pixels often appear on the LCD screens of all kinds of devices and it gets so annoying to see.
  5. You can take a photo and simply zoom in that picture to spot the dead pixel.
  6. The shape of the dead pixel is usually a small black rectangle.

While projectors can display images on textured walls, the quality of the image may be compromised, with potential distortion or blurring, making a smooth surface preferable for optimal viewing.

Causes of Dead Pixels

Many causes have been identified which gave birth to dead pixels. Below you can see the details about them:

  1. It is assumed that dead pixels appear on the screen when the transistor that powers it is unable to supply power. This makes the screen to become permanently black. In other words, it fails to illuminate.
  2. Furthermore, a manufacturing defect in the device gives rise to dead pixels.
  3. Small issues in assembly or manufacturing seem to be one of the primary causes of dead pixels.
  4. Physical damage to the device is another cause.

Tests to check for Dead Pixels

Experts have advised using the bad pixel test or the LCD dead pixel test to check whether your device’s screen has this issue.

When running these tests, make sure to bring the device in full-screen mode. Wipe the screen beforehand and run the test. After a few minutes, the test result will tell you whether your device’s screen has unusual spots in the form of dead or stuck pixels.

Use Pixel Checker Apps to Detect Dead Pixels

Some even like using pixel checker apps to detect and quickly spot dead pixels. It is recommended to use mobile-friendly apps and avoid getting in touch with fake applications. Furthermore, choose an app that gives reliable results and easy-to-follow solutions.

Ways to fix dead pixels

You can check out the details of these potential solutions, which will help you to fix the dead pixels in less time:

  1. The best solution is to wait for the dead pixel to go on its own. This persistent black-colored dot is challenging to remove. If you get lucky, it might go after some days.
  2. Some free web apps fix dead pixels. You can take help from them. And the popular one is the JScreen Fix. It seems to be the recommended app that you can use if LCD and OLED screens have dead pixels.
  3. If the dead pixel becomes permanent, the other solution is to replace the screen. This is the reliable and sure-shot workable solution you can opt for.
  4. Individuals devise “pressure” and “heat” methods to fix this problem. But they do not seem recommended so far.
  5. Never rub the screen to remove the dead pixel. In doing so, you will further worsen the problem. And the display will become severely damaged. In addition, too much rubbing further increase the number of dead pixels!
  6. Some experts have advised restarting the device. There is a chance that the dead pixel will disappear on its own. Refreshing the screen will push these unusual spots to go away for sure.
  7. You can carefully and properly wipe the screen by using a screen-friendly cloth. It is an expert-recommended method and claims to make you get rid of the dead pixel.


We hope that you have received enough basic information on dead pixels. If your tablet, mobile, iPhone, or iPad screen has these black colored unusual spots, it means they are being attacked by dead pixels. You can follow the solutions mentioned earlier to get rid of them.

Do not confuse a dead pixel with a stuck pixel; both are different. A dead pixel is black in color, and a stuck pixel is red, green, or blue in color. You can share with us how you get rid of this problem and what hacks you generally follow. Stay tuned and connected.

Hi there! My name is Haris Rehman, and I review projectors for homes, movies, and offices. My passion for all things audiovisual has led me to test and review a broad range of projectors for consumers to help them make informed purchasing decisions. The reviews I provide are honest and unbiased based on my understanding of what makes a quality projector. Check out my blog for the latest reviews and insights.

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