Is projector better than TV

Projector screen used as TV

Every person who wants to create his home theatre always looks for the best option. The market is stuffed with so many good options. And the two prominent choices that prospective buyers always look for are TVs and projectors.

Projectors and TVs are the two commonly used entertainment sources, especially for night owls who want to spend their nights full of fun with their family and friends. 

Millions of people have a TV set up in their living rooms, while thousands of others prefer a projector to create a huge cinema in their homes.

You can call the projectors an upgraded form of television. Although the purpose of both TV and projectors are ultimately the same, but they are quite much different in their specifications and technology. You’ll be amazed to know that even their drawbacks and advantages are not similar.

So if you are planning to invest in setting up a brand new home theatre system, then you have to make a clear distinction between a TV and a projector, and you should have a clear idea about ‘Is projector better than TV?’.

Scroll down without further delays to get a complete insight into their differences in detail. At the end of this article, you will be able to secure the best decision related to your next home entertainment setup. Let’s go!

TV vs. Projectors – What Should be the Next Choice?

If you want to get more familiar with the TV and projectors and their specifications that make them different from each other, then read all the differences one by one!

Room Setup

What do you think, projectors are easier to set up in a room or the TVs more conveniently placed? 

Televisions are easier to set up in the room than projectors!

TVs are simple to set up, and they have a specific footprint in your home. You can place televisions anywhere, regardless of the type of room. Moreover, televisions are very good to use both in light and dark rooms because the user doesn’t have to go to the high lumen ratings with the TVs.

Although projectors are portable and flexible, but they want a particular place in your home. If you don’t create the environment for the projector, then you can’t enjoy the real fun of movies.

Moreover, the projectors are a little tricky to set up. The user who is aware of its technological background can deal with the projectors.

But there is a drawback associated with televisions as well. You can’t change the placement of a television. Once you have a setup, they get a constant presence even while you are not watching them.

On the other hand, the projectors are not like that. You can place them anywhere you want. So if you have a small room where you can’t reserve the space for your entertainment sources, then projectors are really good to go.

Here, a good thing about projectors is that they can be used both indoors and outdoors. So you are not bound to place them in a dark room.

Screen Size and Budget

Consumers always want to get something extra when they invest either in a TV or projector.

Screen size is one of the major things that users are always concerned about. Consumers want to watch their favorite series on a massive screen, and the projector is the only way to get the experience you want.

Even a small-sized projector provides you with a huge watching experience. On the other hand, televisions come in different price ranges. Some are expensive, while others are budget-friendly. But even the big TV screen doesn’t give you the entertainment you want.

The giant TV screen might be 75 inches in size, and the size you have purchased once can never be changed because it will show the screen of the same size, but the case is opposite with the projectors.

The size of the screen on a projector can be flexibly changed as you can set up the screen between the range of 30 inches to 300 inches, but you have to pay a little more if you want such opportunities.

Picture Quality

The picture quality of both televisions and projectors depends on what you are investing in.

Even the expensive TV setup will give you a picture resolution of 4K with HDR quality. But the projectors with this picture quality are a little expensive to afford. The projectors with 1080p resolution need a good amount to invest in.

Although, the projectors are more good in their image quality. Or you can say you are free to get the quality of your choice. By using the keystone correction option of the projector, you can enjoy the best pixel quality along with sharpness and contrast adjustments.

Sound Quality

If we compare the sound quality of TVs with the projectors, then it is highly agreeable that the sound of the TVs is more appreciable than the projectors. The televisions can easily handle basic sound needs. But the projectors always need some external sound source to create a cinema at your home.

No matter how much you are investing in a projector, ultimately, you have to buy the subwoofers or the speakers of some good quality.

You can visit the market or also search online for some good options to work compatibly with the projector you are going to install.

Although in television, the speakers are usually placed above the head of the viewers still, a smart TV is a good option to choose, especially if you are going to install a TV in a small room setup. But in a huge room, the TV speakers won’t work at all. You have to buy an external audio source to connect to the TV to get an immersive sound.

Last Statement

Everyone has an internal urge to install a TV or projector system on their wall. But to fully maximize your watching experience, you have to select one, either a projector or a television. Hope you can now easily decide is projector better than the TV as we have mentioned all the differences between them. So know your preferences and shop one for yourself!

Hi there! My name is Haris Rehman, and I review projectors for homes, movies, and offices. My passion for all things audiovisual has led me to test and review a broad range of projectors for consumers to help them make informed purchasing decisions. The reviews I provide are honest and unbiased based on my understanding of what makes a quality projector. Check out my blog for the latest reviews and insights.

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